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Why Do Babies Rub Their Eyes?

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Tired baby in a pink romper rubbing her eyes. She is embraced in her mom's arms.

As parents, it’s natural to be inquisitive about everything your baby does. One common behavior that often puzzles and concerns parents is when their baby starts rubbing their eyes. While it might seem like a small gesture, understanding the reasons behind eye rubbing can help you better care for your little one. 

Some of the various reasons why babies rub their eyes include: 

  • Tiredness and sleepiness
  • Eye irritation
  • Eye infection
  • Curiosity and exploration
  • Teething discomfort 
  • Developing vision 

By learning why your baby is rubbing their eyes, you can feel at ease knowing that you’re equipped with the right knowledge to address their needs. Understanding the root cause of this behavior will allow you to respond with appropriate care and attention, whether that means ensuring that your baby gets enough rest, maintaining a clean and irritant-free environment, or providing relief during teething phases. 

To take an additional step in making sure your baby’s eyes are healthy, consider booking an appointment with The Village Eye Care for an eye exam. Our expert team is here to help you understand and address any concerns about your baby’s vision and eye health.

Tiredness & Sleepiness

One of the most common reasons babies rub their eyes is because they are tired. Just like adults, when babies feel sleepy, they experience discomfort in their eyes. Rubbing their eyes is a natural response to this sensation. If you notice your baby rubbing their eyes frequently, it might be a sign that it’s time for a nap or bedtime.

What You Can Do:

  • Establish a consistent sleep routine to ensure your baby gets enough rest.
  • Look for other signs of tiredness like yawning or fussiness.
  • Create a calm and soothing environment to help your baby settle down for sleep.

Eye Irritation

Dust, pet dander, or even tiny particles in the air can irritate a baby’s eyes. Babies don’t have the ability to express discomfort verbally, so they resort to rubbing their eyes to alleviate the irritation. Additionally, conditions like dry eyes or allergies can also cause itching and discomfort, leading to eye rubbing.

What You Can Do:

  • Keep your living space clean and free from dust.
  • Use a humidifier to maintain moisture in the air, especially in dry climates.
  • Consult a pediatrician if you suspect allergies or persistent eye irritation.

Eye Rubbing Due to Infection

Eye rubbing in babies can also be a sign of an underlying infection. Infections like conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye) or other bacterial and viral infections can cause significant discomfort and irritation in the eyes. These infections lead to symptoms such as redness, swelling, and discharge, which may prompt your baby to rub their eyes frequently.

What You Can Do:

  • Consult a pediatrician if you notice these symptoms; they can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.
  • Make sure that you keep your hands clean to prevent spreading the infection. Regularly clean your baby’s eyes with a warm, damp cloth to remove any discharge.
  • Prevent the spread of infection by not sharing towels, washcloths, or other personal items that come into contact with the infected eye.

Curiosity & Exploration

Babies are naturally curious and constantly exploring their surroundings. Sometimes, they rub their eyes simply because they’ve discovered that they can! This behavior is part of their normal sensory exploration as they learn more about their bodies and the environment around them.

What You Can Do:

  • Make sure your baby’s hands are clean to prevent any potential infections.
  • Gently guide your baby’s hand away from their eyes if they tend to rub too vigorously.

Teething Discomfort

Teething is a challenging phase for both babies and parents. The discomfort and pain associated with teething can sometimes lead to eye rubbing. This is because the nerves in the face are interconnected, and discomfort in the gums can manifest as a sensation near the eyes.

What You Can Do:

  • Offer your baby teething toys or a cold washcloth to chew on.
  • Massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger to provide relief.
  • Consult your pediatrician for appropriate teething relief options.
A baby sitting in his mom's lap undergoing an eye exam with a friendly, smiling optician.

Developing Vision

As babies grow, their vision continuously develops and improves. Eye rubbing can occasionally be linked to these developmental changes. When a baby’s eyes are trying to focus or adjust to new visual stimuli, they might rub their eyes out of frustration or as a way to help them focus.

What You Can Do:

  • Engage your baby with visually stimulating activities and toys.
  • Make regular pediatric check-ups to monitor eye health and development.

Understanding & Addressing Your Baby’s Eye-Rubbing Habits

Understanding why babies rub their eyes can help you respond appropriately to their needs. Whether it’s due to tiredness, irritation, infection, curiosity, teething, or developing vision, knowing the underlying reasons allows you to take the right steps to comfort and care for your little one.

At The Village Eye Care, we understand the unique needs of every family member, from infants to seniors. Our team of experienced optometrists and friendly staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality eye care services in a welcoming and comfortable environment.

Whether you need a routine eye exam, specialized pediatric eye care, or advanced treatment options, we’ve got you covered. Schedule your appointment today and see the difference expert care can make.

Written by The Village Eye Care

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The Village Eye Care is conveniently located in Surprise, Arizona.

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  • Surprise, AZ 85374

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