Our Eye Clinic in Surprise, AZ

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We Can’t Wait to Meet You 

Welcome to The Village Eye Care! Here, you’ll find a team of knowledgeable eye doctors who are passionate about improving your vision and your quality of life. 

By combining advanced technology, diagnostic equipment, and years of expertise, we can provide you and your family with the comprehensive eye care you deserve. 

Book an appointment today to experience The Village Eye Care difference!

Meet Our Team of Optometrists

From the second you walk in the door, to the moment you leave our practice, you’ll be supported by a team of hardworking and passionate individuals who are always ready to go above and beyond. 

Meet Our Doctors 

Dr. Brian O. Baird

Dr. Brian O. Baird


Dr. Naul Paz

Dr. Naul Paz


Dr. Anne Moore

Dr. Anne Moore


Dr. Der Vang

Dr. Der Vang


Our Location

The Village Eye Care is conveniently located in Surprise, Arizona.

Our Address

  • 15003 W Bell Rd, Ste 100
  • Surprise, AZ 85374

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