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How to Remove Scratches from Eyeglasses

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Close-up of a scratched polarized eyeglass lens, with warm lights in the lens and cool lights out of focus in the background

Consistently looking through scratched eyeglass lenses can be annoying at best and damaging to your long-term vision at worst. With all the things life can throw your way, we know keeping your glasses in pristine condition can be a challenge. 

There may be no surefire way to remove scratches once they occur, but the team at The Village Eye Care is here to provide tips on how to care for your lenses properly to minimize the risk of scratches.

Why Do Some Eyeglasses Seem to Get Scratched Easily?

Eyeglasses can be a significant investment, so it can be frustrating when they get scratched or damaged easily. Today’s eyeglasses are made from plastic or polycarbonate, which are lighter and more impact-resistant than glass but also softer and more prone to scratching. 

An anti-scratch coating can be applied to your lenses to help prevent the daily wear and tear.

Daily wear and tear add up–tossing them into a bag without a case, cleaning them with abrasive cloths, dropping them–it all causes scratches. 

Moreover, environmental factors such as dust, dirt, and sweat from your face contribute to scratched lenses. When these particles come into contact with your lenses, they can cause tiny abrasions that build up over time.

Can an Optometrist Help Remove Scratches?

Replacing Your Lenses

In some cases, replacing the lenses may be a more effective solution than attempting to fix the scratches. This is particularly true when the damage is extensive, such as deep or multiple scratches that significantly impair vision and cannot be buffed out with professional services. 

If your prescription has recently changed, replacing the lenses offers an opportunity to update your eyeglasses to match your current vision needs. It’s also important to consider warranty coverage; many eyewear retailers offer warranties that cover lens damage, making replacement more cost-effective than repairs. 

Ultimately, when scratches compromise both the clarity of your vision and the structural integrity of your lenses, replacement becomes the best option to ensure optimal eye health and comfort.

Preventing Scratches on Eyeglasses

Prevention is always better than cure, especially regarding your eyeglasses. Here are some tips to keep your lenses scratch-free:

  • Proper Cleaning Techniques. Avoid using paper towels, tissues, or your shirt to clean your lenses. Instead, use a microfiber cloth and lens cleaning solution. Clean your glasses regularly to prevent dust and debris buildup.
  • Protective Cases. Always store your glasses in a hard case when you’re not wearing them. This simple habit can protect your lenses from scratches and other damage.
  • Anti-Scratch Coatings. Invest in lenses with high-quality anti-scratch coatings. While not entirely scratch-proof, these coatings can provide extra protection against everyday wear and tear.
A young woman smiles as she cleans her eyeglasses with a microfiber cloth, ready to put them away in a protective case

Buying Scratch Resistant Eyeglasses

Sometimes, the best way to avoid scratches is to invest in high-quality, scratch-resistant eyeglasses from the get-go. Many online retailers sacrifice quality to meet market demand for cheap eyeglasses. However, some great options provide detailed descriptions and customer reviews to help you make an informed choice that suits your budget.

However, if your eyeglasses get scratched frequently, it’s worth considering purchasing frames and lenses from your optometrist instead. Buying eyeglasses from your optometrist allows you to receive personalized service from someone who knows your eye health well and to try on glasses with professional fittings. They also offer warranties and repair services that can be invaluable in the long run.

Visit Us for Your Optical Needs

The Village Eye Care specializes in matching quality with affordability, providing trendy options that fit anyone’s style while prioritizing quality. Contact us today to see if we can help you get the scratch-resistant eyeglasses of your dreams.

Written by The Village Eye Care

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